Title: ...With Benefits
jellybean_slashPairing(s): Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Incest (wee!cest), underage (Sam is 14).
Word Count: 1,876
Disclaimer: I do not own 'Supernatural,' its characters or settings, nor do I claim to. No profit was made from the writing of this story.
Summary: High school sweethearts sometimes choose to mark the occasion when their relationship becomes monogamous, officially--often refered to as 'going steady.' Despite their... unique circumstances, Sam and Dean don't wind up being all that different.
AN: For the prompt "Steady" on my
spn_25 prompt table. This is an idea that
rei_c fed and watered and encouraged into being. [Crossposted - sorry for any spam on your flist!]
...With Benefits )