Edin Fringe Fest

Aug 23, 2009 00:24

Today I was into inventing the new year resolutions, and one of them is to come to the EIF properly, not for 2 weeks as i did in 2007, not for a week as now (silly rusing to bloody Lund'n), but for relaxing month. No weird collecting trips, no work, pure outing.
However nevertheless the rush and haste i enjoyed myself in the city a lot. Started with the Bruntsfield links where the golfers were swinging around (should do too one day), went down to Nicolson street for obligatory visit of a PieMaker for steak&kidney as a lunch, and then wandered around The Tron, St.Giles and Royal Mile ending up on the Mound and The Mall. Was enjoying the Fringe shows, took couple of the flyers and going to go out in the evening. There's a brilliant Fringe exhibition on and in the Mall: bizzare signposts. I cant believe that but i couldnt stop reading the booklets with them printed. Oh, that IS joy. However i suspect that it might be the hangover remnants causing silly laughter.

There's a star - wheelchair without the brakes into the crocodile, thats from South Africa... I wonder how many people were passed away like this to make the government create such a signpost?

Oblysenie - tuda!

Ostanovka wkolnogo avtobusa - Ne strelyat'. I think there's no need to explaing which country is THAT from

Osteregajtes' - dikie zhivotnye / deti. Gygygy

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Osteregajtes' bezopasnosti - definately Chinese have probs with logic

and more... there were 2 LP books with them - spent 1.5hrs enjoying them, giggling.Later took a walk in the Princess street, got the map at last, it cost me 99p, the big atlas... well, that's nice. Jolyon was annoyed with me because he was walking all day (!). It makes me so frustrated really... Anyway we ended up in the Chinese with the yummy duck and CRAP crackers (meant to be CRAB though, crap means rubbish, trash...); my favourite Monster Mash on the Forrest Rd. was busy this evening, there'll be another day for it, hope. Then - out to Herbrides pub with live music and lots of fun. Lynne and Ally were around as well as their friend Alan who likes Russia a lot, especially winters...
Photos are coming soon


PS Mine sign from Abkhazia

лол, путешествия, Шотландия, зрелища

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