Aug 25, 2008 15:07
So, to sum up the summer and list current going-ons per Sloan's request...
1. Went to Otakon a couple of weeks ago. Hung out with old friends and made many new ones. Got elbowed in the boob a ton of times just trying to get around. Bought a bunch of tee shirts. Sold a bunch of tee shirts. Fun was had. Best memory is most likely Ian's Vic Mignogna impression. Teehee.
2. Signed up for classes at the local community college. I'll be taking English, Fundamentals of 3-D Art, and Digital Foundations. I had planned on only signing up for two but I couldn't decide which art I wanted to take. So boo-ya. I'm excited at the prospect of learning. Tingly, even. I have a theory about being too prepared for my classes. To avoid being nervous, I figure the less I know about them, the better. I'm jumping straight into the water rather than dipping my toe. It will either go really well or blow up in my face. I'm just looking forward to the waterfall of new information I'm about to have.
3. New job! I'll be working at Game Stop as of tomorrow. I'm sure most if not all of my first paycheck will be spent in the store.
4. No friends here yet. I feel bad for not caring anymore. I'm hoping there will be at least one person at work that I will get along with and maybe even do some hanging of the out variety with.
5. Trying to plan most awesome birthday ever. Trying to do "21" right. I'd really like to go to West Virginia and see all my friends there but I'd also like to go to an anime convention in Kentucky and spend time with semi-new friends. If I could somehow combine the two, that would be awesome. Especially since my 21st birthday dream of getting drunk at Midieval Times is not happening at all. Sigh. Next best thing seems to be going to a convention on Halloween and getting the crap scared out of me at some haunted houses. Any better ideas? I would love to hear them.
6. My dating life is a joke and I just keep waiting for the punchline. I have no idea what I want.
I hope that paints some sort of image for whoever may be interested. I'm also very hormonal and emotional, but that doesn't seem like the kind of thing people want to hear about.