Title: Tarnished Angels
Pairing: Min/Other
(some jaeho and yoosu along the way)
Section Rating: R
Overall Rating: NC-17
ranalore Summary: Hot Korean boys. A seduction. An alluring. A temptation. And Min's self-discovery.
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LOL:] chapter se7en is made of funny XDDD
heee` min is super adorable in his pathetic attempt to match se7en's seduction (and the glorious image of him sleeping bare naked with only se7en's leather jacket wrapping his body made my brain implodes).
and LOVES the conspirator selection, i can't stop laughing XDDD
Yoochun. Min glanced at the baritone, his cheeks puffed out from eating too many peaches at one. No, Chunnie-ah had the same problem as Jaejoong. Horrible at keeping secrets. And what Yoochun knew, Jaejoong knew. Changmin might as well sit them all down on the couch and tell everything for all the confidence he had in Yoochun’s mouth remaining shut.
noes i will miss chap 8 *sulks* but to be able to read this before i leave, i'm grateful enough XDD
AND HUMG RAIN! now he's the bad guy? lol:]
i should sleep, it's 4 am ^____^
chus ^.V and thank youuu! you made the hell camp less depressing already XDD
min didn't have a lot of choices for his conspirators. and yes, yoochun, the worst of the bunch! ♥♥♥
rain....ah, well... :::blushes::: i needed SOMEONE! ♥♥♥ he was sacrificed for the greater good.
chus. and snookies. koneko-chan sends her love. ♥♥♥ i do too.
well he's bound to take his turn since se7en is usually the revered relationship wrecker in dbsk fics XDDD
aah i want to see how min explain the jacket so bad ^_____^ must wait, patiently.
*hugs you and koneko-chan* loves you both! ♥♥♥
i'm so lazy today :) but i worked hard! :::fluffs the min!fic::: that should count.
if i don't see you before you go...muah! miss you. :) ♥♥♥♥
and um...min's gonna hide that jacket :)
and well, i HAD to sacrifice SOMEONE! Bi went onto the fire :) ♥♥♥ :::grins:::
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