Title: A River of Kisses (SMM Universe) Length: Sectioned/Chaptered Section: Three (last section) Author: wedspawn Pairing: TVXQ Rating: R Genre: I have no idea. One; Two ( Sliced for Sanity )
I keep trying to think of who Changmin is with but I can't come up with anything really logical...for some reason I keep thinking it's Se7en and I have no idea why (I doubt it's him though)I am barley ever right when I guess so I'll just wait....*hopes you will update soon*
ah, smooches! i'm not telling who it is. min's story will be along in a couple of months... so watch for him then. :) i'll be writing it in present day japan so i'll need LOTS of research and keeping track of the boys.
♥♥♥♥♥♥ ah, no more for this piece. it is done. i will probably include it in the LB book. i dunno. i was thinking of writing a piece w/ jae when he was younger but that might have to wait.
i'm glad you liked it! ::::grins:::: and i'm not telling who min's seducer is.
Girl, I should be in bed, but no, I'm awake...at 3.30am in the morning drooling over the latest section of your fic!!
Evil girl, evil! (dies from lack of sleep)
Anyhow, <33 (squee) just a dab of everything, how utterly wonderful =] Jaeho to start the hot, steamy passion rolling, YooSu to fluff things up and make it bounce and then a mystry guy x Min to heat it all up again leave us itching for more o.o
I repeat. You're Evil girl, Evil. XP
nuuu.... (pokes you along) come on, write faster XD hahahaha
Happy Easter! (gives you Easter Eggs with DB boys painted on them)
i fully admit that i'm evil. fully! ::::grins:::♥♥♥♥
i am glad you liked it! and yes, the mystery guy is a lot of fun. i'll be back w/ min's story when i'm done with the book. and thank you for the easter eggs! i shall cherish them! many hugs and snookies! ♥♥♥♥♥
I don't think that I like this chap as much as the previous ones.
Hmm... The reason may be that there is not enough JaeHo!!! ^^;; (biased me!) I love JaeHo in your fics to the death!!!! And in this part, they are still soooo wonderful!!! I love the way they sweetly talk. I love the way they deeply care about each other! >.< Thanks so much for your fics!
YooSu: Kyootie Lovelie couple!
MinxSb: The part of them makes me want to explore! Who is that guy????
heh... i love jaeho too but sometimes... i have to let the others play as well :D
but i do adore the jaeho. i do. definitely my otp. :D
yoosu is so much fun to write. very goofy and silly but sweet. they're a great couple.
ah, min.... i'm not telling who that is but he definitely is crushing on min. he'll be the centre of min's seduction :) :::grins::: i'm glad you liked it! many hugs!
Comments 28
*Eyes gleam* Minnies lover.
i hope you like it! ::::hugs:::
(The comment has been removed)
i'm glad you liked it! ::::grins:::: and i'm not telling who min's seducer is.
Evil girl, evil! (dies from lack of sleep)
Anyhow, <33 (squee) just a dab of everything, how utterly wonderful =] Jaeho to start the hot, steamy passion rolling, YooSu to fluff things up and make it bounce and then a mystry guy x Min to heat it all up again leave us itching for more o.o
I repeat. You're Evil girl, Evil. XP
nuuu.... (pokes you along) come on, write faster XD hahahaha
Happy Easter! (gives you Easter Eggs with DB boys painted on them)
(prances off) zzz....
i am glad you liked it! and yes, the mystery guy is a lot of fun. i'll be back w/ min's story when i'm done with the book. and thank you for the easter eggs! i shall cherish them! many hugs and snookies! ♥♥♥♥♥
Hmm... The reason may be that there is not enough JaeHo!!! ^^;; (biased me!) I love JaeHo in your fics to the death!!!! And in this part, they are still soooo wonderful!!! I love the way they sweetly talk. I love the way they deeply care about each other! >.< Thanks so much for your fics!
YooSu: Kyootie Lovelie couple!
MinxSb: The part of them makes me want to explore! Who is that guy????
but i do adore the jaeho. i do. definitely my otp. :D
yoosu is so much fun to write. very goofy and silly but sweet. they're a great couple.
ah, min.... i'm not telling who that is but he definitely is crushing on min. he'll be the centre of min's seduction :) :::grins::: i'm glad you liked it! many hugs!
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