Title: Lavender Bunny (SMM Universe)
Section: Twenty-Four
Pairing: Yoosu (Jaeho)
Section Rating: LEMON! NC-17
Overall Rating: NC-17
i still hold
ranalore responsible for this mess.
NOTE! There will only be one more section then Lavender Bunny will be over. Thank you all very much for reading this fic. I'm so grateful for all of you. Thank you! Thank
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I can't believe this is already coming to an end! hrm.. it seems shorter than SMM...but did you just put more into each chapter or something so the overall length is about the same?
Anyhow, squee! I adore these, please please please do the Min story >.< I feel so bad for Min.. he's always kind of -left out- in most Jaeho fics.. o.o (since people usually focus on Jaeho/YooSu)
(gives you cookies and ice-cream) ^^
Keep up the great work!
P.S. this chapter was too short! (whines.. whines more)
P.P.S. (glomps)
i shall do the min fic. he is definitely on the horizon for fics. i promise that. there are a few things i want to explore and min will help with that nicely. :) ♥♥♥
thank you. *glomps back* :::grins and waves:::
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