Title: So Much Mine
wedspawnGenre: Slash/Relationship
Pairing: JaeHo
Rating: Eventually NC-17
Beta and Title Gifter:
RanaloreSummary: Section Two.
The beginning of a shifting relationship. Hot Korean boys. Sex. Dancing and some angry words. Not necessarily in that order. Not necessarily in each section.
Section OneJaejoong shook at the chill in the
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Yep, YunHo had his own reasons to give out those severe words. Being a responsible leader of an idol group, protecting the clean images… What he tried to do was on the contrary to what Jae did. Then on seeing Jae like this, the anger he tried to control just burst open. The reasons for YunHo’s rage were plausible but it still hurt much when he had such words with Jae.
Jae’s feeling in this chapter was so intense. With his body tortured, his soul was full of shame, anger, fear, pain and yearning. And those mixed up feelings in him grew deeper before YunHo’s fury. The line describing Jae’ emotion was achingly beautiful!!
In this chapter Jae nearly said nothing. What is in focus is his feelings. YunHo is the one mainly talked. Whenever Jae wanted to say something, it was stopped with YunHo’s words. With that, his soreness could not be released and etched deeper into his already hurtful soul.
Though Jae did not said much, his line at the end of the chapter was adequate! It was something always in his mind and something left after those feelings.
jae's soul does hurt. but it will heal. :::grins:::
In this chapter Jae's sorrow was focused more than YunHo's. And your description is extremely beautiful!!! I got heart-wrenching but simultaneously I could not help admiring the sheer beauty in words! Yep! It's achingly beautiful!
Thanks so much for this! *hugs* >(^o^)
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