wuddup bitches

Jun 10, 2005 22:18

hey muthafackos..yes back again with fuckin hurt ass back from football practice tonight..HOT DAMN! that shits fuckin tiring..oh yea BTW you fuckin niggers at practice..you needa SHUT THE FUCK UP! were a fuckin team you dumb fucks..talkin bout how you gunna spank up the white bitches..well guess what nigga..you aint gunna get much whiter than me..so muhfuckin carlton..you goin out for RB? guess what bitch? IM DEFENSIVE TACKLE! know what that means? it means its my job to KICK YOUR ASS..so you best be ready bitch cause first scrimmage..your ass is grass and imma smoke ya! anyways muhfuckas cant fuckin wait..18 more days..gunna be tiznight and ill be fuckin happy as a muhfucka..MCL to the juggalos and later to my otha homies..and one more thing...RED KNIGHT PRIDE MOTHERFUCKER!

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