If you ask me, past lives are real. The thing that sucks, though, is that I just can't give my opinion on past lives without going into detail about a couple other of my beliefs. I believe after death we book out the next chapter of our lives (everything from our physical appearance, to who all we will meet, to who our parents are, to what tragedies we'll have to face, etc.), which will be carried out here on earth, to help ourselves grow intellectually and better ourselves spiritually. When we've carried out each lifetime, we enter (in spirit form) back into "The Other Side" (which is pretty much another way of saying heaven) and either begin planning another incarnation or enjoy our time (well, not exactly time because time isn't existant there, considering time's an earthly creation)there with our loved ones. To those who say past lives aren't real, I'd like them to explain to me why people experience deja vu's or why we have dreams. Things like deja vu and dreams don't just come from nowhere---(quick question...off the subject. Is don't and nowhere in that last sentence a double negative?)---Deja vu's are experiences from past lives that you slightly subconsciously remember during your current life, and dreams are your body's method of astral traveling...but then comes the obscene, deranged dreams that are too obscene to be remotely real (like mine the other night when I dreamt up two gigantic beasts, bigger than your run of the mill T-Rex, {I'd go out on a limb and say}, that were randomly attacking one another and me being trapped in a fence with them right underneath them) that I guess you subconsciously think up due to either stress or an intense fear you have of something....I could be wrong, though. What all I've just told you could be utter b.s., I don't know for sure nor may I ever know, but that's just my thought. I'm sorry if I sound crazy, but you try reading half of Sylvia Browne's books (a psychic who I have reason to believe isn't your run of the mill, phony, money-hungry "psychic") and not give me an explanation similar to this when asked the question you asked. If you have any questions or if I didn't explain something clear enough (because I tend to do that) then feel free to ask:)
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