random quote pulled from Tiger & Bunny discussion at fandom post forum, re: Tiger & Blue Rose -
It's hard to imagine things working out- she's what, no more than 8 years or so older than his daughter- but it is quite cute- and admittedly we've not seen any other romantic interests for him (or any for Barnaby, or most of the other heroes for that matter...)
No romantic interests! HAHAHAHA, YOU ARE KILLING ME HERE. Did you miss the eyelash line? The promises of home-cooked meals? The hugging? The crying? Ahhhhaha, this show really does look completely different to non-fujoshi, doesn't it?
In other news, the new
"single ladies" is NATSUME (as in Natsume Yuujinchou).
collarnojutsu, are you ALWAYS right? Please use your powers wisely.