Apr 18, 2009 18:44

I think I said this when I was reading KusaKyo, but: one thing BL is really lacking in is the slowly developed relationship. I mean, in BL, we're lucky to get a relationship that takes ONE volume to develop, let alone several, which means maybe I need to read more shoujo manga, because in shoujo manga we DO get some slow developing relationships, and I've discovered that NOTHING tugs at my heart strings more than a couple that takes (TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE!!!) nine volumes just to HUG. (And OH MY GOD, that scene totally made me cry. Just a hug! Though at least part of that may have been because it was late at night. 90% of the time a book makes me cry, it's because I stayed up too late reading.)


COULD THEY BE ANY MORE DORKY OH EM GEE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I found this way more adorable than if they'd actually kissed there. They totally made out off-screen, though, I mean:

You can't tell me that Chiaki doesn't have the look of someone who was just interrupted. Okay, maybe they were just snuggling, I don't know. Either way, it was enough to make Nodame and me pass out on the floor.

I just can't even tell you how much this manga makes me squee, it is so ridiculous. Like, every time Chiaki thinks about Nodame (or listens to her play the piano) and gets that stupid blushy look on his face. And then I pretty much died when they walked down the streets of Paris holding hands. HOLDING HANDS! Apparently that is all it takes to turn me into a puddle of goo on the floor, who knew.

...As long as I'm posting embarrassing tales of moe, this is from the latest issue of Ciel:

ZUKO'S GEEK HAIR! PLUS GEEK GLASSES!!!!! If moe could be lethal, I would not be here right now to make this post. Because I would be dead. RIP Denise. She died with a smile on her face.

lkjsd;lkfjds ;lkjfsdl;k *froth*

Too bad the story is stupid and makes no sense. BUT WHO CARES DEATH BY MOEEEEEE *choke gasp* orz

I...I'm just going to go lie down for a bit, excuse me.

nodame, het, pimping, flailing, random scans

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