Feb 03, 2010 21:28
I'm trying to assemble a portfolio of my scene painting and props work from the past mumblemumble years. I may actually have more opportunities to use those skills at work (*fingers crossed*) so I figured it'd be a good idea.
Well, it turns out I do not currently have a centralized digital collection of my work anywhere on our home computer or the hard drive from our old laptop. Oh, the information's there... it just needs to be found. And edited. And organized.
Remember when I said we have multiple copies of the same data in several different locations from past machines?
Not only that, but over the years my well-meaning labeling instincts created different names for those locations. And, in accordance with Murphy's Law, most of the information I needed wasn't in any of them.
It's taken me about two hours, but I finally scrounged up 34 images that should give a pretty decent idea of what I can do. My eyes and brain both hurt very muchly and unconsciousness is looking extremely attractive.
Tomorrow I'll see how well everything sorts into pages. And then I shall save the resulting document.
Multiple times, of course. ;P