Mar 13, 2023 18:18
- Mon, 00:24: Wordle 632 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟨🟨🟩⬛⬛ 🟨🟨🟩⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
- Mon, 00:27: Are we really entertaining the idea that a #TrumpIndictment is best avoided because it will anger people who are already furious about everything from guyliner to candy mascots getting new shoes? Just arrest that POS already!
- Mon, 00:37: Joel: 'I will kill a bunch of people because they didn't give her the option of an informed choice.' ... Joel: *does not give her an option for an informed choice* #TheLastOfUs #TheLastOfUsfinale
- Mon, 12:32: I have the whole week off to draft Book 3 of The Savior Trilogy. The President’s Son Saves the World will be out by the end of the year. So far, it’s hilarious and whimsical AF.
- Mon, 13:36: JS.
- Mon, 16:47: Honestly, is there any person in the entire world who doesn't think ol' Donnie got his giggity on with @ StormyDaniels? She's obviously way too smart for him--but otherwise, she's exactly his type.
- Mon, 16:56: Just sent in my interview for Authority magazine. I never know how to find the line between 'refreshingly candid' and 'ZOMG TMI make it stop!!'
- Mon, 18:16: RT @ judgeyourself99: Lock Donald J Trump up. #TrumpIsGuilty #LockHimUp #TrumpisaNationalDisgrace