Obligatory New Year Post

Jan 04, 2008 12:32

I haven't written here for quite some time... and sadly, nor have I really read any of my friends' entries. Apologies for that, hopefully that will change.

I would like to take this time to look back on my resolutions last year and see how well I did. Two come to mind - finish more of the games that I buy and also drink more wine.

I did very well with the games - it got to the point over the holidays where I was looking for something NEW to play because I finished everything. I rather like that feeling of getting my money's worth out of my purchases so I'll definitely continue to do that.

On the other note, I did drink quite a few wines over the course of the year. Unfortunately it got expensive rather quickly, so I had to slow it down by March. I would still love to continue this but to get more out of it I think I will need to start tracking what I drink more carefully. Writing out some tasting notes and such will be really helpful in remembering all the different wines that I try.

This upcoming year I'd like to add a few more things. The first is to exercise more. It's not for weight loss or anything but rather to stay healthy. I'm still not entirely sure how I will go about doing this - I did fairly well for a while playing DDR every morning for about 20 minutes. I think I might start that again, though I think the reason I stopped was because I wanted more of a variety of songs. Maybe I should look into getting another game. I'm also contemplating a gym membership but I'm afraid that I won't stick to that. I still might give it a shot though.

I've also decided that I need to be a bit more organized with my life. I bought a PDA phone recently to assist with this, and it's time to put it to use. I feel like I've constantly forgotten important dates and such because I've become so busy... back in college my PDA was my lifesaver in keeping me on top of things and I think it's time to employ that again.

And of course, a fun resolution to keep me motivated... I want to try more restaurants. I'm thinking that hitting up a nice restaurant once a month is probably very doable, and I now have a (signed!) Michelin guide for the Bay Area to point me in the right direction. I'd like to hit at least 6 of the one star restaurants in the next year. :)

So that's it for now. I'd also like to write in here more but I don't think that forced writing is good for anyone so hopefully I'll feel motivated on my own.
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