Oct 15, 2006 10:18
I wanted to share an idea with you all from a wedding my FI attended this weekend. She thought it was darling and I agree.
Instead of the bouquet toss (which my FI is particularly not crazy about) the DJ announced that all the married couples should take the dance floor. Then as they were dancing he called out things like "If you've been married less than 10 hours sit down" (and the bride and groom sat) and then, "If you've been married less than a year sit down,"....then less than 5 years and so on.
By the time they got to 25 years four couples were left, and then each of those couples gave the bride and groom a piece of advice. Then the DJ had each couple say how long they'd been married and the bride gave her bouquet to the wife who had been married the longest.
I thought it sounded totally sweet and much more touching than the traditional bouquet toss. Just wanted to share. :)
traditions: bouquet toss