Hola, wedding planners! Sam here again (
this was my first post. )
I'm still many many weeks out from my October wedding, but only a few days out from leaving for my usual summer work in Belize. This is always hard for me and FH, but worth it in the long run.
So! Here's my question for you all! Should I start sending out wedding invites before I leave for the summer? The latest date I'll return in July 16th this year. Fiance and I are eager to get them out
because they are so rad!
But we don't know if now is too early. The All Knowing Internets tell me that 8 weeks is the magic date, but we have tons of out of towners, potentially coming from as far as Germany and Sweden. And Alamogordo NM is a tricky travel destination, even if you already live in the US.
Meanwhile, in RantTown, my caterer (one of 2 in my town) won't return my phone calls about getting a copy of her liquor license to the reception venue, and the reception venue won't let me pay them and seal the venue for us until they receive said liquor license. But, my dress arrived. So not everything is StressVille. / endcranky
Good luck to those of you who's dates are fast approaching! You got this! And thanks in advance for the advice.