garden wedding party

Apr 14, 2012 14:59

As I mentioned in my intro, I am having the party in our garden (it's roughly 1 1/2 acres). We are planning for rain, in North Wales it is likely to rain- even on August 1st (which is when we are getting married this year!)
I have taken some photographs today, (it's raining) to get an idea of all the different spaces, and I thought I would tell you what I am planning to do, if anyone has ideas or has done something similar please say so! now for A LOT of photographs:

this is the orchard, my sisterinlawtobe has hung some weird triangle construction from the greengage tree. in august all the plums will be fruiting, and the apples will have small hard apples. we will hang bunting all through these trees and if the weather is nice, rugs on the floor. that wire mesh thing is my rabbits run.

the honeysuckle on this will be flowering, and the camellia finished, this is on the edge of the orchard.

this is the back lawn behind the house, it is not flat, slopes slightly upwards.

one of the many paths going up to the top lawn, we will line all of these with solar lights.

so up here is a circular lawn, surrounded by roses, going back down to the backlawn is all the soft fruit (raspberries ect) and the woodlands garden. we are going to replace the windows in the playhouse, clear out all the apples we are storing in there and make it cosy for my sister and her girlfriend to sleep in. Up here for the wedding I would like to have a few fire bowls, and string lights on the playhouse that will run from a car-battery, I know it all sounds dangerous but it will be fine! I want to make this space suitable for the teenages, all the cousins ect, if they want to get away from the main party at the bottom. We will have to get a smallish gazebo in case of rain.

more trees along the top lawn, leading to mine and my fiancé's little secret garden..

in the summer our garden will have all it's roses flowering, a secret leafy arbour, and the wisteria in bloom. not sure what to do in here, any ideas? a secret retreat area perhaps?

the whole hillside is covered in flowering bushes and trees, including a tree house

the legs of which will be covered in flowering climbing plants, and all the trees will be green and hiding it away.

looking down on the front lawn, this picture isn't great because it doesn't show how big the area is or the brick pond and patio, there is a bridge leading over the stream into a fern garden. it is our only flat space, we will fill it with a marquee and bring out tables and chairs.

here are some photos from last year:

So, concerns: we have three ponds and a stream. there will be toddlers. Rain, is another concern, lighting, and having a sense continuity so people aren't too separate unless they want to be, (ie. the teenagers!). We also have only one bathroom, so solutions to this, portaloos ect?
If you want to see bigger pictures of these, just click them and you will land on my flickr. feel free to link me photographs of anything you have done similar!

thank you so much!!

outdoor wedding, advice, reception: venue, summer weddings, show me your...

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