My fiancé and I are having some trouble figuring out what to do about outfits for the men involved in the wedding. We're not having a very formal wedding so both of our dads are just wearing whatever suit they're happy with. The three people that we're dressing as part of the wedding party are the groom, the best man and our officiant, who is a close friend of ours.
I'm wearing a cream dress, the bridesmaids are in embroidered navy blue and the groom's sister will be standing up with us as well, her dress is made of the same fabric as the bridesmaids but instead of being navy blue with navy blue pattern, hers is light blue with a navy blue pattern.
My original thought was that the groom should wear a navy blue suit with cream waistcoat and tie so that he matches me and the best man should wear a navy suit with a light blue waistcoat and tie so that he matches the groom's sister. The problem is, what to do about the officiant? He could definitely pull off wearing a cream suit but I'm worried that he would then match better with me than the groom! An easy solution would be to have the groom in cream and the officiant in navy but I'm not sure that my husband-to-be would be comfortable in a cream suit.
Any suggestions?
Here's a pic of the fabric for the groomsmaid (left) and the bridesmaids (right). I know the navy one looks like it's almost black but it's much brighter in sunlight (which we will hopefully have on the day!!)