Invitation Wording/Example

Dec 31, 2010 18:41

Hi, all!  We're getting married Labor Day weekend 2011 and a friend of mine designed our invitations.  I have a question about the wording in relation to our specifics.

Please no stalking.  I can't handle that right now!  lol

My parents are primarily hosting but I don't want to leave his parents out or make it obvious they aren't contributing anything since his dad's retired and his mom is sick so I think that'd be rude...which is why I initially said "Together with their parents."  However, my mom said we should include at least their names because of identity as in my extended family we're inviting won't know who we are without their names on it.  I can see the sense in this but then how do I word that?  His parents are divorced but have the same last name still so I can't say Mr. & Mrs. even though she still goes by Mrs. Schmitt.  I was thinking "Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Olson invite you to share and celebrate at the marriage of their daughter Heather Ashley-Marie to Randy Scott Schmitt son of *however we figure out how to insert his parents' names*"  Advice/thoughts/show me yours?

My second question is related to the reception.  Our ceremony is at a bandshell on the river and our reception is at a hall across town.  Our ceremony is at 4 and our reception will officially start at about 6 but we will have the bar open and appetizers available right after the ceremony for people to enjoy while they wait.  How do I word that?  Even though the reception starts/we get there at 6, I want people to know they can still go there right away after the ceremony since a lot of them are from out of town and may need some direction.  After the date/time/location of the ceremony, I was thinking I can add something about the reception but I have no idea how to word it!  Again, advice/thoughts/show me yours?

ETA: Thank you!!!  Your suggestions helped a lot. :)  And my mom does hate to be called Mrs.

invitations: etiquette

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