I'm just going to get to the point with this post; my dad died when I was 6, and though I like my step dad, I think it would feel awkward to walk down with him, considering our past. Me and him did NOT get along for the 13~ years I lived at home, but as soon as I moved out, he became a lot cooler. Unfortunately, we are not exactly close, despite me
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another option i have heard of people doing is walking down with their significant other. i think that is really sweet too.
i think you should do whatever your gut tells you. :)
spread out so it does limit my options, but I
think even if my uncle was still around, or if
I had brothers, I'd still end up just with mom xD
But I posted this wanting to hear other stories...
thank you for sharing =)
I guess. It comes from typing on this really
wide art site I use, and also, doing comics,
I end up doing this as well for the word
myself getting distracted and closing browsers at
times without sending a post. I have the notepad
set to wrap around and it is windowed small, so I
don't feel the need to hit enter when the lines
get longer, seeing as it is already narrow ;)
makes me think I could link this to you:
The Alot is Better Than You at Everything
If you haven't seen it, I think you totally
need to. It is possibly the greatest thing
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