Name and/or LJ userID: Sabrina/sburke
Wedding Date: most likely Aug. 7th, 2010
Bride/Groom/Other (please specify): Bride
Age: 31
City/State/Country you live in: Everett, WA
City/State/Country you're getting married in (if different): I think it will be Kent, WA
Your song/First Dance song: You had me from hello (first song we ever danced to)
Wedding Colors: dark purple, green and champagne
Formality: very informal
Theme (if you have one): garden party
Number of guests: aournd 80
How'd you meet your fiance?: at a bar...I coudln't stop staring at him
How long have you been together?: three years
Do you have a personal wedding website?: no
Have you read the
community rules before posting this survey? yep
Anything else you'd like to tell us?: I'm hoping to have this be a very budget friendly wedding, so I'll be looking for any money saving tips.