Sep 28, 2009 08:28
My younger brother died tragically back in January, he was 20. He was suppose to be an honor attendant on my side for the wedding. Me, FH, and him were all very close so it is very upsetting to think he won't be there... in person, at least. I already bought a memorial pendant that has his picture on it to carry on my bouquet. Still, I feel like I should do more since he was a huge part of our lives. I like the idea of lying a white rose in the spot where he was suppose to stand, perhaps even with his favorite cap he was known for wearing. I'm just worried that this would be too upsetting for my family. They requested I do not put his picture anywhere, they had to take them all down at their house because they cannot bear to see it. I'm worried this might be upsetting to them on a day that is suppose to be happy. It might even upset me, I'm not sure how I'd react. Does anyone have any other ideas? Or do you think that is appropriate?
deceased loved one