govinda jaya jaya, gopala jaya jaya, radha-ramanahari, govinda jaya jaya

Jun 15, 2006 21:02

Firstly, I apologise for the fact that it's been over a month since I last updated. As super-nik so kindly gave me a nudge, I thought it was probably about time.

So what's happened? Basically, I did my exams (all two of them, I was quite lucky as finals go) and did well in both as far as I can tell, so now I'm just waiting to find out my results. I have a feeling they're out next week - it all got delayed because of this stupid pay dispute the lecturers turned on the students. I reckon I'll probably finish with a 2:1 which would make me very happy; the chances of me getting a first are quite slim but not totally improbable if they really like my final year project, so I've got my fingers crossed as that would make gaining employment a fair bit easier.

Since then (that was the middle/end of May, pretty much) I've just been getting wasted in many, many different ways. I've had the maddest few weeks of my life, just spending silly amounts of money, not going to bed until the sun rises and then getting up only to go and do it all again. It's been absolutely awesome, and I'm really going to miss these lads when I leave. Everything has to come to an end though, and in a way I'll be glad to get home and detox myself from all the chemicals, drugs and stuff that go with my uni life.

However, we couldn't finish uni without going on a house holiday to celebrate the end of an era. We decided to go canoeing down the River Wye in Wales for three days, living naturally, fending for ourselves, and travelling 34 miles by our own river vehicles.

The seven of us set off on the Wye on Monday morning (L-R: George, Me, Shaman, Paul, Tom, Eamon and Joe

Me shortly after the start

Paul, Shay and Tom enjoying a joint (one of the most relaxing things you can do on a river, by the way)

A shaky start for Eamon and naval reserve cadet Joe - methinks they didn't teach him how to paddle at the Navy base!

Our campsite for the first night

It seems that as well being a lousy paddler, Joe can't handle his beer either

A cool photo I took when very drunk - this hasn't been Photoshopped or anything, it's just the way it came off the camera

Me and George on our canoe on the second morning

The other lads bringing up the back

There was some very picturesque scenery en route (shame I can't say the same about my unwashed hair)

A stop for lunch, and another group photo

There were a LOT of caterpillar things covered in moth silk nearby though, I've no idea where they all came from

...and of course no holiday would be complete without convinving Tom to jump onto a log, then paddling off without him

I got a killer suntan from being on the river for so long as well, and although my muscles now ache and I was a filthy, unwashed and tired mess by the end of it, the holiday was brilliant and I'd love to do it again sometime. One of the canoes did capsize once, managing to claim the lives of three of our phones and a digital camera, although 2/3 of the phones are working again after a session with the hair dryer.

I'm in two minds as to whether I want to leave uni or not. I think it's time, but I've had some of the best times of my life here and I won't ever forget them. I guess I can always come up and stay next year (only me, Shay and Joe are actually graduating - the others failed the 2nd year so they're doing what I just finished in their next year)

How is everyone?
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