Jan 25, 2009 22:17
its amazing how much a television can change your perceptions about a place.
ever since we moved into this apartment in hollywood, there was something that felt off. no matter how much we classed it up, and how many weird things we hung on the wall, it just didnt feel like home. on thursday, we finally caved, and, after jumping through a million hoops, we finally came home with a big new tv. our living room finally has a purpose. i finally dont feel weird being in that room. its totally great.
so julia has been in vegas this weekend hitting it pretty hard. she sent me the following text on friday night which i promptly showed around the office to everyones' delight:
"blargh im soooo drunk. these expensive sluts just gave us dances.."
what a beautiful and hilarious girlfriend she is; i love her.
other than that, just been working a lot. the shiny toy guns video was a hit. the obama cartoons were a hit. and i'm about 55 min in to the drawn together animatic. its easily the largest scale project i've ever worked on, and i've only received about a dozen notes so far. thats like a record or something.
anywho. hope everyones doing great.