being double-booked the entire day at work on a saturday after waking up half blind with shooting pains through my stomach and head really fucking SUCKED, especially since i took the consideration for myself to only drink three beers friday night. we ordered pizza for lunch and i managed to shove two peices down my throat with the whole entire five minutes i had for a "break". for starting my clientele in the midst of a recession, i sure am doing well.
i watched Quarantine the other night and had the most terrifying zombie nightmare. Grace Jones was the head zombie?
it was Matt's 23rd birthday yesterday. we had dinner at P.F. Changs with his family(it was my first time ever eating there) and i decided that i hate the idea of ridiculously expensive PEI WEI. pinche gringos. later came a "party" which turned into six hours of Guitar Hero: World Tour... microphone included. i kept giving up the guitar and refusing to play anymore the rest of the night because my hands felt like they were going to fucking fall off but somehow someone would always ended up putting it back in my hands. playing on level hard while drunk is the biggest mindfuck. RED BLUE BLUE ORANGE YELLOW GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN BLUE RED BLUE YELLOW
my dogs make my life happier
coco and benny
me and matt bought an xbox and Call of Duty is RUINING MY LIFE
i miss long red hair