Praying for P

Feb 14, 2012 22:02

Really, I promise that this particular mnemonic began developing well before the potty training even started.  
Of course, any experienced mom knows that it is perfectly rational to pray for um, #1 (not to mention the even-more-challenging #2!), but I wanted to pray for more than just the obvious. And every time I started brainstorming I came up with even more "P's" to pray for.
I've been doing this now for the better part of a year, and I've started praying these characteristics for my children as well.  

Here's my list: 
Patience: 'nuff said.
Presence: That I might be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually present in my children's lives, as well as physically.  Going even deeper: that we might all learn to practice the presence of God in our household, living each day with the awareness of His immediacy in our lives.
Peace: That there might be inter- and intra-personal peace in our household.  Most importantly, that there be peace with God.  
Perspective: That I (and my children) might have the God-given perspective to "not sweat the small stuff."  To be able to take a deep breath and let things be when they're not that important... but similarly to react with vigor when the situation demands it. 
Perception: That I might have the wisdom to perceive what is really going on - that for each incident of minor or major disobedience, anxiety, or just plain annoying-but-non-defiant instance of childish behavior, I would be able to read between the lines and adjust my response accordingly.  
Pertinence: Perhaps stretching the definition a bit, for me I'm asking that my words not be spoken carelessly and without effect. Also that I will not speak (snap, yell, threaten, badger, nag) simply because it is inconvenient to act. 
Persistence: That I will not become weary of doing good ('nor discouraged when failing to do the same).  That I will not give up when the lessons I am trying to teach don't seen to be getting through, and that I will gently encourage my children to stick to it as well.    
Pride: Specifically, a lack thereof. Except, of course, for when we're talking about the healthy sort that encourages hard work, diligence, and excellence.
Pretense: Again, a lack thereof.  That I will not allow pride to encourage me to pretend that my weaknesses do not exist, are unimportant, or need not be addressed. 
Penitence: That I will learn true repentance and the humility that comes with it, especially as applies to my role as a mother. That I will model this for my children as well, and encourage them to express sorrow for wrong behaviors and make recompense to God and any other offended party when appropriate.   
Purity: That as a family we will develop purity of mind, body, and purpose.  
Providence (and/or Protection): God's protective care in our lives 
Passion: That each child would develop and pursue healthy passions that inspire excellence, action, and a sense of wonder and fun.  
Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual health: OK, I slipped in an "S," but none of them actually start with a "p" sound, so I don't feel like it's serious cheating! ;) Anyway, fairly self-explanatory.

Of course, this is more than I am ever likely to cover in a single prayer session (crammed, as they tend to be, in the moments that I am rocking the little one to sleep), nor have I by any means memorized the list.  But it's a good memory jog - if I just sit down and think of "p's," many of them come to mind.  
There are still more thing I want to pray for, too - still looking for a "P" to cover obedience, integrity, wisdom (although I guess it's touched on by several of the above), and maybe that incredibly rare and  treasured quality of "picking up one's toys and clothing automatically without being asked or providing resistance." Hmmm... any ideas?  


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