Nov 06, 2008 10:33
So, I made the news official at work this week. My boss's reaction was classic. He gets this look of intense wide-eyed surprise and says "Wow! That's really... horrible, for us! It's great for you, of course, but... wow!"
I passed the ultrasound around at lunch yesterday, and for the rest of the rank and file I just posted it on my cube wall, entitled "WebTarkeena 2.0, release date 5/4/09."
Unsurprisingly, a few of my co-workers proclaimed less than total shock: one had observed me surfing pregnancy related websites when he came over to ask a question, but one of the managers had actually guessed because I am starting to show. Wow. I mean, I know my pants have been getting uncomfortably tight in the last 2-3 weeks, but I didn't realize it was becoming obvious. I guess it all happens so gradually to the person directly affected... there's no one date on which you look in the mirror and say "Yup, it's terribly obvious now. Better make that announcement."
Anyway, sounds like it was good that I did make the announcement: I'd much rather have people know I'm expecting (despite the inevitable impact on the job) than just think I'm getting fat. ;)
(The encouraging part is that my boss proclaimed his willingness to do just about anything to keep me working part time, or bring me back in some capacity if I decide that full-time mothering is going to drive me nuts. Not that I really expect this to happen... but it's nice to have the options open.)