Apr 05, 2006 21:37
I hate how busy we all are these days.
i miss my friends
thank god we have a break coming up
but this weeks gonna dragg on like crazy
yeah and this weekend i bought a car
yay go me
well i had a spare minute for the first time like all week
so i was bored and took a quiz.
im gay
1. Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?
2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?
be like what the fuckc am i suppose to do with all these
3. What did you do when you were in school in the 2nd grade?
i stole a freezie pop from the cafetieria by accident and got yelled at by like 5 different teachers
4. What is the best thing about your job?
i can drink and eat yummy stuff whenever i want to
6. Are you against same sex marriage?
7. Did you vote for Bush?
8. Where are you going on your next vacation?
no clue
9. Have you kissed any of your myspace friends?
10. Are most of your friends guys or girls?
half and half
11.Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
12. Last book you read?
13. If you could have one super power what would it be?
be able to control time, reverse, pause, fastfoward.
14. Where have you lived most of your life?
15. What was the last conversation you had about?
how i left the movie waiting at jessicas house and need to go back and get it sometime
16. Where do you see yourself in four years?
UB or Fredonia or UA
17. What's your favorite smell?
smell of spring
18. What is your favorite sound?
19. Are you moody?
sometimes but not often
20. Favorite movie of all time?
pride and prejudice
22. Have you ever gone to therapy?
23. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
hah yeah who hasnt
24. Have you ever toilet papered someone's house?
i was there when other people were doing it but didnt help
25. Have you ever liked someone and not told them?
26. Have you ever gone camping?
27. Have you ever had a crush on your siblings friend?
28. Have you ever gone to a nude beach?
30. Have you ever had a stalker?
not really stalkers.. but people that liked me way to much to the point where it was creepy
32. a. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
b. have you laughed so hard you peed your pants?
33. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only one who was sober?
maybe not the only one but one of few
34. Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend?
35. Have you ever lied to your parents?
who hasnt
37. Have you ever been out of the country?
38. Have you ever thrown up from working out?
39. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat?
40. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places?
41. What's the last song you listened to?
far away
42. Have you ever spied on someone?
spyings fun hah
43. Have you ever slept in the same bed with the opposite sex?
44. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
yeah haha
45. Who was the last person who called you?
46. When was the last time you slept for more than 12 hours?
i have no idea.. i havent in foreverrr
47. Have you ever been arrested?
48. Most embarassing CD you own?
49. Have you ever had surgery?