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Jan 28, 2005 14:09

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!

Created by -ambiguous and taken 38920 times on bzoink!
What is your favorite..gumorbitrestaurantdeff not perkinsdrinkrasberry pop from walmartseasonsummertype of weatherwarmemotionhappything to do on a half daydoing something stupid at graces house is always funlate-night activityon the phone and onlinesportuuuhh SKI CLUB citynycstoretargetWhen was the last time you..criedi dont rememberplayed a sporti played volleyball in gymlaughed2 min agohugged someonetodaykissed someonetodayfelt depressedlike neverfelt elatedall the timefelt overworkedlike last weekfaked sicklast thrusday but now i really am sickliedumm i dono lie to much i try not to :(What was the last..word you saidyeathing you atea spoonful of yogurtsong you listened tobeck- im a loser babything you dranka glass of waterplace you went tocolins housemovie you sawpredatormovie you rentedthe day after tomorrowconcert you attendedwinterfest actuallyWho was the last person you..huggedcolincried overi dont rememberkissedcolindanced withgregshared a secret withjessicahad a sleepover withgracecalledtrishwent to a movie witheveryonesawmeet the faukerswere angry withjessica probally hahacouldn't take your eyes off ofuuhh donoobsessed overi dont obsess Have you ever..danced in the rainahh yeaaakissed someoneobvdone drugsnodrank alcoholyesslept aroundnopartied 'til the sun came upyesshad a movie marathonyesgone too far on a darehmm not reallyspun until you were immensely dizzyyessssstaken a survey quite like this beforeyeah
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