[Aerith logs in, wondering what this place is. She is wearing her usual pink dress and boots along with the traditional pink ribbon that Zack gave to her many years ago. The area is just a wonderful flower garden, filled with orchids, roses, and all the flowers you could possibly think of! And Aerith, as per usual, is tending to them.
As people walk by Aerith, a screen pops up! It's a little chatbox, like the ones you see on most Final Fantasy games. This one, though, has several options! Which do you choose?]
• Talk with Aerith Gainsborough (
angelofmidgar)? [brings up chatbox to speak with her privately]
• Throw some pie at her?
• Flirt with
angelofmidgar• Attempt to battle her [pops up battle screen, wat?]
• Triple Triad?
• Some other option... [pops up another little chatbox thing with other options that you can choose yourself]
(OOC: And there's a sophisticated MMO sample intro post! I hope that's alright with the mods...if it's not, I'll just delete it!)