(no subject)

Jun 04, 2012 22:41

So, there's a Sherlock/Molly fic series that I'm reading that is OMG SO AMAZING, the characterization is seriously dead on, it reads like an episode straight out of canon.  I'd rec it, except, it covers the bases on things that may freak one out re: power imbalances in a relationship (in a people-with-issues sort of way, not a D/s sort of way), reproductive issues, etc, etc.  Not for the faint of heart.  So far it hasn't hit any of MY squicks, mostly in that I think it acknowledges the squickiness of everything contained therein and addresses it fairly intelligently (if not always in a comfortable way), but . .  yeah.  I know it would send enough of my flist screaming that I am reluctant to rec.

But in news of the fandom that ate my brain (most recently, anyway), which is not Sherlock - so, Avengers 'ships.  And characters.  And meta.  I've had a few good meta to bordering-on-meta discussions, but I want MORE.  I want ALL THE DISCUSSIONS.  And the squeeing.  And BtVS fandom, no, Harry Potter fandom that whole fannish experience where you can discuss the human condition and the nature of moral responsibility and the logistics of sex when you turn into a giant green rage monster.  In the same conversation.  That.  I can haz that?  Plz?  Yeah. 
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