Musicals questionnaire

Feb 04, 2008 02:38

makemlaff at allthatchat posted this set of questions and I thought they'd make a nice little post here.  My answers are in bold.  I'm actually answering for Broadway, where Broadway is specifically mentioned, but for theatre in general the rest of the time.  These are fairly spur-of-the-moment answers, but I guess that in itself makes them telling.

Anyone else care to answer?

The first musical I ever saw on Broadway was Candide (or if you haven’t seen a musical on Broadway)
The first musical I would like to see on Broadway is

The musical I would most like to see again is Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

The musical I never want to see again is Evita (such a controversial answer)

The best performance in a Broadway musical by a woman I’ve ever seen is [a tie:] Maya Days or Heather Headley in Aida (even though I didn't like Aida that much).

The best performance in a Broadway musical by a man I’ve ever seen is [a tie:] Alan Cumming in Cabaret or Anthony Rapp in RENT.

The person I wish they never cast was Matthew Broderick in the show The Producers

The person they should have cast was Hunter Foster

My favorite Broadway choreography was in the show [a tie:] The Music Man (Susan Stroman) or Chicago

The lyric/line that always brings a lump to my throat is "It was the end of the world, and I was dancing with Sally Bowles, and we were both fast asleep."

The stupidest lyric/line I’ve ever heard is "Maybe things won't be so bad/And maybe I won't miss my dad" (though it has a certain charm)

The first musical I had to go back and see twice was Joseph...

The first musical I ever walked out of was [that still has never happened]

The most under praised and overly deserving show in my opinion is Taboo

The most overly praised and under deserving show in my opinion is

The song show tune I’m most likely to sing while I’m dancing around at home is [at the moment:] The Bitch of Living

If I could recast any role in a current Broadway musical with a performer of the past it would be James Rado in Spring Awakening

If I could recast current actor in a Broadway musical that was before their time it would be Raul Esparza in Hair (for more than one night, and for the whole show, this time)

The show they should never change a word of because it is already perfect is Hedwig and the Angry Inch

The show I'd most like to get my hands on and rewrite is Aida

The role I was born to play on Broadway is Mark Cohen (even though I don't look the part in any way)

musicals, theatre, broadway

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