
Sep 15, 2010 11:06

well. i suppose i should update this thing.

i went to an Eels concert, in the HMV playhouse at tollcross. great venue for shortarses, me and kat got great seats on the balcony, and saw pretty much everything (despite the figety couple in front). the support acts were pretty poor, but Eels were fantastic, full of energy and the love for the music which makes me remember why i have so many of their albums. also, Mr E wrote a book. i'm guessing it is not going to be a cheery read, but think it will be rather interesting.

after that i went to the gathering. it was ok, great to see everyone again, Annaseed doing well in that no-one tried to 'kill the gribbly' and monstering was fun. they had a souped up ritual of peace which made being a healer a bit redundant, and PVP doesn't really appeal as i am not a fighter, so having more things trying to kill the faction is not such a great notion. i like making campfires burn blue.

then, on the way home from the gathering, i was involved in a car crash. everyone in the car is going to be ok, there are cracked ribs, and some broken bones, but everyone is out of hospital and doing as well as can be exspected. i suffered facial cuts over the left hand side of my face and damage to my scalp. i broke my nose. i lost a fair bit of blood, and got myself fairly bruised over the chest and left leg. i spent the next week and a half in hospital, recuperating and getting patched up.

i am home now, and recovering well. i have a patch of skin on the top of my head with no hair, and lots of stitches, and a couple of scars. i walk like a gereactic zombie, due to having a skin graft taken from my thigh, and generally trying not to move my chest too much (seatbelt bruises). energy levels are low, but getting better day by day, and i am not tanked up to the gills on quite so many painkillers.

i was incredibly lucky. i probably will have some very thin scars on my left side of my face, and i have lost the use of my left eyebrow (writing that, it seems such a weird thing to say). there are options later on, once things have healed a bit to restore hair so its all really positive.

the eyebrow thing, however, probably is a premenant. even with some really tricky surgery, the most positive outcome is about 50% restoreation of function, and it involved taking nerves from other bits of my body and cutting up my forehead, so i am probably not going to opt for that. weirdly, the two things i worry about is A) i use my eyebrows to signal 'query/question' in Makaton, but i think it won't be too affected, and B) i draw myself in comic form. eyebrows are really critial to expressing emotion and i have been sketching. unfortunatly, when i draw myself with one leveled eyerbow, i tend to look either incredibly sarky or incredilus. drawing the scars is also rather odd, the detail level makes it look a lot wrose than it actually is, due to simplified lines.

i went out to the shops, and had a neighbour (mr has lots of cats) stop and chat to me once he saw me limping about while getting a cup of tea. his reaction was in some ways very reassureing (he was kind, and seemed genuinely concerned, and then we chatted about cats) and in others ways has made me aware that i am going to have to deal with a lot of questions when people see me.
and after being out and about, i had to have a little 4 hour nap.

i am off work, and though i know i have to take things slowly, i can well imagine going a little bit (more) bonkers while waiting to recover enough i can see my guys again.

so, it's all odd, but the main thing is that i am ok, and going to be ok. though i'm much more in favour of top gear/brainiac blowing up as many caravans as they can get their mits on.
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