(no subject)

May 10, 2006 01:58

the rents have been out of town since sat and im slowly succumbing to cabin fever. i need to do something besides play video games and eat shit all day. lol. i feel so unproductive. whats worse is that i dont even wanna go out to get some much needed groceries. lol. stay home and nest.

ive been playing world of warcraft... not healthy. i should be job hunting. trying to earn some cash cause god knows ima be broke as a motha fucka when the consoles launch. hell. im poor now and nothings happened.

job huntings reached a big zero. no ones highering and i dont wanna have to drive 50 miles cause gas is way too fuckin much for that shit. lol. and im lazy. cant rule that out.

E3, you have made my year yet again. omg... final fantasies galore. so beautiful. so pristine.

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