Almost had it.

Oct 11, 2004 08:09

Well guys, it was the best and worst weekend all at the same time. I was informed early that it'd be a lonely weekend, with I'm perfectly content with under the right circumstances. And I got my truck back, OU won big time, and I won free tickets to a Lynyrd Skynnyrd and Allman Brothers concert which rocked like a bucket of bricks. But, I was without the company of the most awesomest person in the world and I had one of the worst bipolar episodes that I've had in a long time. :-/ Its all good though. I know how she feels, and I'm looking forward to starting a great relationship...eventually. I do have to remind myself everyonce in a while not to rush, or try to push her, but other than that, I feel I'm doing an OK job helping out. I just hope it gets remembered when the final cuts are being made. I'd like to be there for a while.

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