(no subject)

May 31, 2005 02:50

One of the most interesting aspects of being human is the desire to keep secrets. These secrets, whether they be tragic or strange or humorous can define our inner feelings and psyche. These are the things that can either set us apart and reveal how we are unique, or unveil how similar we really are, even when dealing with the most obscure or odd topics. And it makes me wonder, why are these bits of info that make one seem so enticing then turned into secrets - things hidden from others? When I read postsecret, it makes me want to meet some of those people and talk to them because of their exposed secrets. Then I realize that it is the fact that they are secrets that makes the actual information so facinating. This is something that a person wanted no one else to know. This is something that a person holds dear to his or herself. It is the part that no one else sees on the surface. Therefore, it is all the more meaningful, deep, enlightening, and special to me. I have a curiosity for people who are vague, or cryptic, or hinting. I love how just by taking notice to the small details, perhaps just a single statement, perhaps just a certain tone, one is able to figure out what the person is trying to say or what the person is actually thinking. By putting together the pieces of the puzzle, one is left with the big picture. I enjoy learning about people the hard way. It's somewhat like solving a mystery. When those hidden feelings, thoughts, and desires are finally uncovered, it makes it all the more exciting. I want to hear people's secrets. I want to hear my friends' secrets. I wish I could be like "leave a comment, posting your secrets anonymously here," just like on postsecret, but I doubt anyone would actually want to do that. I want to hear something I've never heard before and just wonder about who it came from. I love looking at everyone from a different angle, and on a deeper level. It kind of gives me this elated view on humanity.

I like to feel. Lately, I've been void of feeling, which in turn, leads to the empty feeling of depression. But it's so nice to feel again...even if it's just been inspired by a silly website. Distress, happiness, butterflies in the tummy, whatever! As long as I'm feeling something! So, I've been pretty bored and lonely this summer so far, but like the smart individual I am, I'm going to change that and stop wasting my time doing nothing! Hoorah. People, hang out with me.
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