Feb 24, 2005 17:12
I just took my anatomy and physiology exam and i feel really good about it. i studied, like actually, sat down and STUDIED (me?) and it actually helped. one down, one to go.
pew. someone in this computer lab has B.O. I hope its not me. *makes un-obvious sniffing gesture* nope, not me :) haha.
im feeling good today. i keep a regular paper journal too, which actually gets a lot more use than this one, and i got a lot of feelings out and was able to have thought processes about them and things are ok now. i've realized that i just need to let myself be happy and not worry about the future so much. i am happy now, and that is what matters. sometimes things happen that aren't planned, but worrying about them before they happen is a waste of energy. it actually is very physically draining to worry about things.
sigh of relief
to do:
go to matts
study for psych exam
sit around
sounds like a good night.
you know who i haven't talked to in a long time? sarah shannon. does anyone talk to her? i wonder if she still works at davison office products. i should get in touch with her, shes a cool girl. im excited for ambers bday party on saturday! i can't wait to see everyone <3