Proof of higher power?

Aug 12, 2008 00:50

David told me to write this down. So I am.

Debate teams: GO!

1) The natural state of all matter is entropy.
2) It's a well proven fact that creating higher energy-state matter is inefficient. (Meaning that not 100% of the energy going into creating something is present in the final matter itself, but dissipated according to entropy.)
3) There is a constant amount of energy in the universe.

If all of these are true (and current physics deems them so), then what kick-started the first higher energy-state?

So lets say we buy into the big-bang theory, what caused it?

In Stephen Hawking's aptly named Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems (wikipedia page here- thank GOD for wikipedia),  he bases all of his relativity calculations on an initial singularity.

So lets say we delve into quantum physics and buy into the popular string theory (wiki)- the movement of the branes still had to be initiated by something, due to the laws of physics.

Okay, so say we don't look at string theory, but another possible popular explanation. And then another. If you keep looking, you'll eventually find the same wall in all the major theories: an unknown initial force.

Going back to string theory, a possible argument could be that there was and always will be perpetual motion, essentially meaning the universe will last for eternity, with another big bang happening when another collision of branes occurs, however this is not provable on paper or in reality as of yet, and so I'm not gonna validate it for this discussion.

Any way you look at it, something, that perhaps had and still has the ability, or only had one single nanosecond a long time ago, to break the laws of physics and cause a chain reaction that eventually wound up to be life as we know it.

I'm gonna call that a higher power.
Higher because of chronological hierarchy.
Power because it defied entropy.

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