Jan 31, 2005 21:40
I am not popular. I'm just the girl everyone knows by name. they think they know me. They see my face, but are they looking? they hear my voice, but are they listening?
All my life I have been pretending to be someone I'm not. I've been afraid to stand on my own two feet, and I never excercised my independance. I was always what they wanted. I always say what they want to hear. I wear what they wear, with a few exceptions.
I like what they like, and I enjoy what they enjoy. Or so I've led them to believe.
But lately I'm getting tired of being someones whore, whom they make do whatever they want. As long as I feel liked, why do I care, right?
Well, I'm sick and tired of living up to other peoples standards! I will do whatever I want. I will talk to anyone I feel like, treating them as I please.
I'm tired of being your whore.