seitse // 07

Aug 25, 2011 02:27

A: 946 Beulah Street, outside, morning

[That awkward moment when you catch someone hugging their laptop lovingly in the middle of their sidewalk. Yeah, you just experienced it. Estonia is rather pleased with his parcel following the catastrophe that was milk torture week.]

B: 946 Beulah Street, outside, the entire rest of the day I wish I was kidding

[During the catastrophe that was the fourth of July (he really needs to start naming these better, he thinks), Estonia started writing down his history, in the hopes of preserving it just in case something really creepy happened to him and he forgot. In the nearly two months since then, he's written most of it out in notebooks, which he is now transcribing into a word document on his newly reacquired laptop. On his front lawn.

Apparently he doesn't mind going outside if there's technology to keep him entertained. He's also taken his pocketsized pet outside with him, then proceeded to ignore him. If you're walking along Beulah Street for any reason, you may be stopped by a small thing that looks like dessert and may just want to rescue you. Even if you don't need rescuing. Because he's the hero. Yes, the mochi is the hero. Deal with it.]

C: Phone

I'm wondering if anyone here has ever had a particularly troublesome pet... erm, he's small and vaguely spherical, generally gelatinous, prone to patriotism... They eat lettuce. And very few people ever seem to have them, but on the off-chance that someone here does, do leashes work?

mochis are problematic, [mayfield: regain], [mayfield: phone], doing geeky things again, his life is weird

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