A Sustainable Energy Future: You Can See It From Denmark

Jun 20, 2009 07:22

From theory into practice at last.

Denmark to Power Electric Cars by Wind in Vehicle-to-Grid Experiment - Guardian (UK) - 19 Jun 09

"Currently 20% of the island's electricity comes from wind, even though it has enough turbines installed to meet 40% of its needs. The reason it cannot use the entire capacity is the intermittency of the wind: many turbines are needed to harness sufficient power in breezes, but when gales blow the grid would overload, so some turbines are disconnected.

So the aim of the awkwardly named Electric Vehicles in a Distributed and Integrated Market using Sustainable Energy and Open Networks Project - Edison for short - is to use V2G to allow more turbines to be built and provide up to 50% of the island's supply without making the grid crash."

IBM Joins EDISON Project to Build Smart Grid for Electric Cars - Science Centric - 19 Mar 09

"Within the project, researchers from IBM Denmark and from IBM's Zurich Research Laboratory will develop smart technologies that synchronise the charging of the electric vehicles with the availability of wind in the grid. IBM has also contributed a hardware platform to the Technical University of Denmark that will be used for large-scale real-time simulations of the energy system and the impact of electric vehicles. When completed, the project will contribute to reaching the political objective of increasing the share of renewable energy in overall energy consumption."
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