Dreamwidth Mirror

May 29, 2009 14:49

I decided that it might be a wise idea to mirror my LiveJournal site on Dreamwidth and got the files successfully transferred in just a couple minute operation. For security purposes, I changed my LJ password before using it and then changed it back after the migration was successful.

If LiveJournal ends up with serious problems at some point in the future, I feel like I now have my bases covered. Also I've been able to archive the site with ljArchive which is a very handy free utility. Makes it easy to search for certain key words in earlier posts.

Fortunately, I got a free invite from a friend so I didn't have to pay the small fee for signing up on Dreamwidth.

Also found that I can post to both blogs at the same time using the Semagic editor (which is open source but only for Windows afaik). What didn't work (unsurprisingly) is the friends transfer. So I'm picking folks off manually to build up that network again. Those with the same name and icons are easy to match up of course. Others, not so much. I'm using webfarmer over there too if anyone wants to friend me.
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