Oct 15, 2004 13:55
Saras Evil Twin: oh god
Saras Evil Twin: i watched home videos of you
Saras Evil Twin: hahahaha
Saras Evil Twin: you dance like a freak
Saras Evil Twin: hahahaahaha
Jacks Evil Clone: oh god
Saras Evil Twin: you look so retarted
Saras Evil Twin: and talk in such a high voice
Saras Evil Twin: it's so funny
Saras Evil Twin: this one clip
Saras Evil Twin: you're like..
Saras Evil Twin: well
Saras Evil Twin: you're already doing insane things
Jacks Evil Clone: ...
Saras Evil Twin: you're like..rolling down the slide on a wagon
Saras Evil Twin: and totallyfalling on your facwe
Jacks Evil Clone: hahaha
Jacks Evil Clone: hell yes
Saras Evil Twin: and then you go down it on an alligator with wheels
Saras Evil Twin: and then youre like..
Saras Evil Twin: mom, watch me..
Saras Evil Twin: watch me, this is the Fun Everything Ride!
Saras Evil Twin: It's the fun everything ride
Jacks Evil Clone: LOL
Saras Evil Twin: how is it the fun everything ride you ask?
Jacks Evil Clone: the fun everythign ride?
Saras Evil Twin: and you like..stick the wagon up there...
Saras Evil Twin: then the Alligator
Saras Evil Twin: and like..this like..blanket thing under it all
Saras Evil Twin: and you sit in the thing
Saras Evil Twin: and you go down the slide, and Wipeee outtttt
Jacks Evil Clone: yeah
Saras Evil Twin: it's so funny
Saras Evil Twin: i thought you were going to die, and mom was like..totally encouraging you
Jacks Evil Clone: HAHAHA
Saras Evil Twin: and you hit the ground and she's like..Oh, are you okay?
Saras Evil Twin: and you're like yeahh.....I'm fine! it was the fun everything ride! it was fun!
Saras Evil Twin: like her even INSINUATING this might not be fun was a sin
Saras Evil Twin: and then youre like..WATCH me do FIREWORKS MOM
Saras Evil Twin: youre FOUR
Saras Evil Twin: and you have FLAMMABLE OBJECTS
Saras Evil Twin: like a NORMAL person
Saras Evil Twin: hahaha.
Saras Evil Twin: mom just watches me, too. it's so funny. she's going back to me, and she's likie..ohhh, theres sara, eating a lemon she found on the ground