Today, I have been feeling incredibly idiosyncratic. It's past midnight, but I have the sudden urge to roll about on the floor, giggling and tossing flower petals into the air with reckless abandon.
Too bad my room isn't really big enough for that. And I have no flowers.
This week, I have a History of China paper, a Modern Drama before WWII paper, an a cappella concert, an audition for a show, and a prepared short story proposal for a children's book I'm participating in. Next week, I have a movement project to perform, my History of China mid-year test, and an out-of-country a cappella gig. Then it's exams - though to be fair, I only have one.
Today, I managed to make specific notes for the China paper, discuss the Mod Drama one with my prof very briefly, and consider a song to use for the audition. Then I proceeded to spend all afternoon either reading Spamano doujinshis (hence the profile pic) or watching episodes of The Big Bang Theory since I'm still on season 4.
Now I still don't feel like working on any of my academic requirements, and my brain is popping with all sorts of ideas instead. I want to write more Spamano again. I want to write more UKHK again, because the world needs it so. I want to go back to my first fandom, Newsies, and write some of that - though on what, I have no clue. I want to write a dozen articles for the online APH magazine I joined,
thecirclemag. I want to write a million little vignettes about my OC, the insufferable child genius Martin Friedl and his adventures on the magnificent time-and-space traveling steampunk balloon-machine, the Friedlfighter!! And of course, I still want to roll about on the floor. That's a particularly strong desire right now, for some reason.
But I have a bunch of essays, drama projects, and a cappella shows to deal with first. Then after that, my ongoing fics....
Whatever, have some Hetalia 30 Day Challenge.
Belarus! She's just way too intense and darkly passionate about her brother. Also, she carries knives. This was a hard one to respond to, honestly, and on my masterlist of answers, I had a "?" there until about a minute ago. Russia, (pervy)France and even Germania came to mind too.
Now, back to the men of the Tang and the women of the Southern Song. /sigh
(And also, notice how I'm updating this thing a lot more. The things Hetalia holiday events do for you, eh?)