Man, I truly am bad at this. Oh well, I'll do THREE of the days then!
(At this rate, you can bet that the next one will have four days in one go...)
But before any of this occurs, I need to wish Hong Kong a lovely 14th anniversary!! Yes, it's been that long since the Brits boarded a nice big ocean liner and sailed far, far away from us. It rained all night too, just like that fateful day.
I like to think that England also feels sad when he thinks of this day...because giving back HK was more or less the official end of the British Empire. Also, it's only 3 days before that loud fellow on the other side of the Pacific kicked his butt. So I suppose England just hates the first week of July.
I love this sketch of him. Harbourside hottie <3
Also, only HK would celebrate his "birthday" with a bunch of protests all over the city. We'll protest anything and everything, as long as China lets us. Of which that was actually one of the things being protested...they are trying to gradually thin out the chances of public election over the years, and people are mad.
Anyway, onto the Challenge!
Italy! He's cute, cheerful and encouraging, so I think I wouldn't mind shopping with him. He'd be kind and encouraging about my choices and style, and the fact that he's also quite fashionable would help me out too.
Finland! He is also cute, cheerful, mild-mannered, lively, and generally quite a fun person to be around. No wonder Sweden scooped him up up as soon as possible. Actually, I believe that I wouldn't mind switching my Day 3 (Who I'd date, which was Canada) around with this one =D They both apply.
Prussia, probably.
Now, I LOVE Prussia. He's one of my favourite characters. But allow me to explain this.
I write a lot of Hetalia fanfic, including this one series that I collectively call the "WWS AU" (WWS pertaining to the first one that I wrote out of the bunch,
World Wide Story). Some characters are genderflipped, including Prussia - who thus becomes an overly excitable and incredibly energetic girl named Gillian. It's a great deal of fun to write her, especially since I can easily combine my old secondary school antics into her story. Taking how I characterize her into account, I'd then like to say that I was never a malicious kid who intended to rebel - my teachers and I got along REALLY well and I still talk to them! I just didn't know how to keep my mouth shut, and was typically considered by my peers to be rather strange and over-the-top. Running around pointing at things, yelling about how awesome they were would not be uncommon for me during that time.
Anyway, I just have the feeling that if I met a person who acted similarly to me AND was loud and arrogant about it, we wouldn't get along very well. There would always be an air of competition or rivalry, for sure. I'd be annoyed to hell.
Actually, there WAS a kid I knew during high school that I had a rivalry with, due to those reasons. He wasn't actually awesome, though, just annoying. He pissed a LOT of people off. Haha.
Oh yes, and it's that blond fellow's birthday too, isn't it?