(no subject)

Jul 04, 2006 17:52

[1] Name: Michelle
[2] Nick names: Shell, Mich, little shit
[3] Middle Name: Kathleen
[4] Hair: Brown
[5] Eyes: Brown
[6] Height: According to the MP I am 5'6
[7] Location: CFB Comox
[8] Birthday: May 6
[9] Zodiac: Tarus

[11] Animals: My cat
[12] Sport: fieldhockey
[13] Color: blue
[14] Song: Too many
[15] Band(s)/Singer(s): Again too many.
[16] Quote: Antying from Capt Wright at the moment
[17] Flower: Pink and white roses
[18] Scent: Paula's scent, not sure what it is.
[19] Movies: Up close and personal
[20] Holiday: None
[21] Season: Fall
[22] Element: Fire
[23] Author(s): Anything
[24] Do you wear makeup? No
[26] Do you look for personality or looks: A bit of both
[27] Perfect boy: Funny thing, about that. The whole 'boy thing'...
[28] How many rings before you answer the phone: Until I get to it
[29] Future career plans: French Prof/Military Officer
[31] Do you want kids: See 27.
[32] Are you popular: Depends
[33] Are you pretty: nope
[34] Do you have your own phone line?: Yes and no
[35] Do you get along with your family? Yes
[36] Do you have any piercing or tattoos? No

Do you...
[37] Give hugs?: Yes
[38] Take walks in the rain: As often as possible
[39] Like the mall?: no
[40] Go on stage?: no
[41] Drink: not really
[42] Smoke: Not cigarettes
[43] Do drugs: not really
[44] Eat meat: Not much
[45] Have insomnia: Always
[46] Sleep alot: I wish
[47] Eat sushi: :)
[48] Cook: Love to

[49] Hot or Cold: HOT
[50] Lace or Satin: Depends
[51] Blue or Red: Blue
[52] New or Old: Depends
[53] Rain or Snow: Rain
[54] Give or receive: Give
[55] Wool or Cotton: Cotton
[56] Rose or Daisy: Rose
[57] Private school or public school: Public
[58] Chocolate Milk or White Milk: Chocolate
[59] Celsius or Fahrenheit: Celsius.
[61] Math or Art: Fuck that, French
[62] One pillow or two: A guy to lay on....
[63] Dogs or Cats: Dog
[64] Adidas or Nike: I dont care
[65] Coke or Pepsi: Coke
[66] Oranges or Apples: Apples
[67] Deaf or Blind: Deaf
[68] Pool or hottub: Pool
[69] Blonde or Brunette: It always changes
[70] Guys or Girls: Girls. (and guys too, but well)
[71] Tall or short: Depends
[72] TV or Radio: Radio

Personal Stance on...

[73] Homosexuality: See #27
[75] Abortion: My choice
[76] Religion: Don't shove it down my throat and try to convert me and we shall get along.
[77] Animal Rights: Depends
[78] Love at first sight: Used to but now I am kind of bitter
[79] God: Not really
[80] Aliens: I have one in the palm of my hand.
[81] Horoscopes: To an extent
[82] Heaven: Nopes
[83] Hell: If there is one I will see you down there
[84] Reincarnation: Yes.
[86] Pop music: I don't care.
[87] Rap: I like some of it
[88] 80's music: LOVE IT
[89] Punk: Some is good, same as every genre

[90] What's the prettiest instrument?: Bass. Mmmm.
[91] What's the prettiest part of the body?: the whole thing
[92] Biggest fault: Jealousy
[93] Biggest fears: Being alone..forever.
[94] Do you live in the moment?: Always
[95] Do you care about looks?: Fuck no. Yesterday I ended up progressivly undressing the evening. By last rounds I was in boots, civis and my headdress
[96] Do you like your handwriting?: Sometimes.
[97] Obsession: Stuff
[98] Looking forward to: Going home
[100] Do you ever wish you were somebody else?: yes

Have you ever....
[101] Kissed your cousin: no
[102] Ran away: no
[103] Skipped school: Skipped more than I went to some classes
[104] Broken someone's heart: no
[105] Been in love: Yes
[106] Cried when someone died: Yes
[107] Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: I always do
[108] Broken a bone: More than once
[109] Done something embarrassing: When don't I
[110] Lied: A few too many times
[111] Cried in school: More than once

[112] Coke or Pepsi: Still Coke
[113] Sprite or 7UP: Sprite
[114] Girls or Guys: Girls
[115] Flowers or Candy: Candy makes me hyper. Flowers just die.
[116] Scruff or Clean shaved: Scruff.
[117] Blondes or Brunettes: Either or
[118] Bitchy or Slutty: It depends on the situation. A bitch I don't want to talk to. But I don't want a slut around my SO
[119] Tall or Short: Taller than me for guys. Girls either or.
[120] Pants or Shorts: NAKED
[121] Night or Day: Night

[122] What do you notice first: Eyes.
123] Last person you slow danced with: Shaun

[124] Showered: this am
[125] Stepped outside: about five minutes ago
[126] Had Sex: hahahahahahhaha
[127] Romantic memory: I don't want to think of that shit.
[128] Your Good Luck Charm: My boobs
[129] Person You Hate Most: I've learned to let it go and get on with my life
[130] Best Thing That Has Happened: not sure yet
[131] On your desk: Bunch of military crap
[132] Picture on your desktop: mnothing

[133] Friends: Bunch of em
[134] Pizza Place: Combined Mess
[135] radio station: Dunno.
[136] Cars: Any one
[137] Ice Cream: Vanilla
[138] Breakfast : None

[139] Makes you laugh the most: Myself
[141] Makes you smile: Everything, even pain
[142] Can make you feel better no matter what: Drugs.
[143] Has A Crush On You: Too many.
[144] Do You Have A Crush On Somone? You could call it that
[145] Who Has it easier? Me


[146] Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: I ahve but not anymore
[147] Save MSN conversations: I saved a link someone sent me earlier. Does that count?
[148] Save E-mails: Most
[149] Forward secret E-mails: No
[150] Wish you were someone else: Wasn't this asked?
[151] Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: No thanks.
[152] Wear perfume: Yes
[153] Kiss: I've been known to
[154] Cuddle: Yeah!
[155] Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: Not without a break.

Have you ever...
[156] Fallen for your best friend?: Yes. Fucker.
[157] Made out with JUST a friend?: No
[158] Kissed two people in the same day?: Nope
[159] Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Nope
[160] Been rejected: Yes
[161] Been in love?: Yes
[162] Been in lust? Yes
[163] Used someone?: Yes
[164] Been used?: Yes
[165] Cheated on someone?: No.
[166] Been cheated on?: Yes
[167] Been kissed?: Yes
[168] Done something you regret? I used to regret things. Now I find it's a waste of time.

[168] You touched?: Myself
[169] You talked to on the phone?: Jerry
[170] You hugged: capt wright
[171] You instant messaged?: Sarah
[172] You kissed?: Shaun
[173] You yelled at?: cadets
[174] You thought about?: Nobody
[175] Who text messaged you?: Dunno
[176] Who broke your heart?: Shaun
[177] Who told you they loved you?: My mom

Do you..
[178] Color your hair? Too often
[179] Have tattoos?: No
[180] Have piercing?: No
[181] Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
[182] Own a webcam?: No
[183] Own a thong?: No
[184] Ever get off the damn computer?: Occasionally
[185] Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: Nein.
[186] Habla espanol?: No.
[187] Quack?: On a good day.


[188] Stolen anything?: Yes
[189] Smoke?: Once in a while
[190] Schizophrenic?: No
[191] Obsessive?: Sometimes.
[192] Compulsive?: Yes
[193] Obsessive compulsive?: Probably
[194] Panic?: Now and again.
[195] Anxiety?: Yes
[196] Depressed?: To a point
[197] Drugs?: Not often enough.
[198] Sexually active?: No
[199] Have children?: Not yet

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