My tweets

Mar 31, 2020 12:00

  • Tue, 04:09: RT @ morethanmySLE: After the 'My Pillow' guy's prayer speech Mr. Pillow went to shake Trump's hand. PLUS: EVERYONE is touching the microph…
  • Tue, 04:09: RT @ PrisonPlanet: Now they're mad at Trump for allowing the My Pillow founder, someone who changed 75% of his factories over to mask produc…
  • Tue, 04:10: RT @ TravisAllen02: The major networks need to #StopAiringTrump Who agrees?
  • Tue, 04:10: RT @ funder: Even if you included the entire Seoul Capital area, it has a population of 25.6 million, not 38. #StopAiringTrump
  • Tue, 04:10: RT @ funder: Trump just said he “knows South Korea better than anybody.” Then asks @ Yamiche if she knew what the population of Seoul was. Tr…
  • Tue, 04:10: RT @ funder: CNN’s Jim Acosta just called out Trump for lying about coronavirus. Trump replied by having a tantrum. Trump says he could “cau…
  • Tue, 04:11: RT @ EdanClay: Some moron "journalist" just tried to use the pandemic crisis to stop women from getting abortions. What world are we in righ…
  • Tue, 04:11: RT @ funder: Trump called on that same OAN propagandist who asked the most insane question, basically comparing the number of coronavirus de…
  • Tue, 04:11: RT @ morethanmySLE: Is this a Trump rally or commercial or BOTH? #StopAiringTrump
  • Tue, 04:12: RT @ grantstern: If you want @ CNN and @ MSNBC to #StopAiringTrump, then there's only one way to send that message. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

#healthcare, twitter, #besttweetever, #stopairingtrump, #boycotttrumpbriefings, #rosegardenqvc, #covid19, #thewhitehouse

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