Fannish Meme

Apr 22, 2011 19:31

So a meme was put up on the NCIS slash list on Yahoo. Thought I'd share it here. (Also? Sending this from the shiny new iPad! Yay!)

Pick 10 fandom characters and answer the following questions.

1. Steve McGarrett (Hawaii Five-O)

2. A.J. Chegwidden (JAG)

3. Dick Grayson (Batman, formerly Robin)

4. Don Flack (CSI-NY)

5. Tony DiNozzo (NCIS)

6. Danny Williams (Hawaii Five-O)

7. Mike Logan (Law and Order)

8. Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)

9. Tim Drake-Wayne (Red Robin, formerly Robin)

10. Walter Skinner (X-Files)


Q1 - Have you ever written a five/ten fanfiction before? No. Though after reading Xanthe's "Two Masters" I could totally see it!

Q2 - Do you think three is hot? How hot? Soooo hot! Granted his hotness can vary based on artist, I choose to believe the furry armed, mullet Dick never existed.

Q3 - What would happen if six got one pregnant? HEE! I'm pretty sure there's already fic for that! Danny would spend a lot of time explaining that grenades are not an appropriate response to mood swings.

Q4 - Do you recall any good fics about nine? Too few unfortunately.

Q5 - Would seven and two make a good couple? Hunh. Not sure if I can see that one working. Not sure who would out alpha who there.

Q6 - Four/eight or four/nine? Flack/Gibbs all the way!

Q7 - What would happen if seven discovered that three and eight had a secret relationship? Not sure he'd care too much. I think he'd be more interested in finding out that Dick is really Batman.

Q8 - Can you write a summary of at least twenty words for a two/six fanfiction? "Even after being on the mainland again for five years, Danny found that his addiction to Navy SEALs still hadn't gone away."

Q9 - Is there such thing as a four/ten romantic fluff story? I don't think one exists but I could definitely see it.

Q10 - Suggest a title for a one/five Hurt/Comfort fic. "An Ocean Apart"

Q11 - What kind of plot would you use for a three/seven fic? Mike meets Dick and dismisses him as a rich playboy. During an investigation into a series of high profile murders he discovers the truth.

Q12 - Does anyone on your friends list read seven het? What about nine slash? What little exists of both, yes.

Q13 - If you wrote a songfic about nine, what song would you choose? "End of The Innocence" by Don Henley

Q14 - If you wrote a two/three/six fanfiction, what would the warning be? Does "bendy and hot" count?

Q15 - What pick-up line might eight use on five? LOL "DiNozzo!" or just a headslap seems to work fine.

Q16 - Challenge: Write a drabble for ten/eight. I actually have a fix with these two I started awhile back. I need to get back to this.

Q17 - What would happen if seven walked in on two and one having sex? Again, not sure he'd care but I'd want video evidence.

Q18 - What kind of plot would you use if you wanted four and one to end up together? Flack is on vacation in Hawaii and Steve has a weakness for loud-mouthed cops who love good pizza.

Q19 - Does anyone on your friends list read seven slash? Yep. One has even written one for me.

Q20 - Does anyone on your friends list read three het? Possibly.

Q21 - Does anyone on your friends list write or draw one? YEP! Though they need to write more.

Q22 - Would you write two/four/five? I could maybe make that work.

Q23 - What might ten scream at a moment of great passion? Oo-rah!

Q24 - When was the last time you read a fic about five? If re-reads count, this morning.

Q25 - What is six's secret kink? Tattoos. Though it's not much of a secret.

Q26 - Would one shag nine? I think Steve would definitely find Tim's brain sexy. They're actually quite similar.

Q27 - If three and seven got together, who would be on top? Definitely Mike Logan.


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