I love seeing the old timey Torchwood folks. I love the timey wimey stories to begin with, so when you add the bonus of it being a Tosh ep? That's just fantabulous. The relationship with Tommy and Tosh was so sad, but it was wonderful to see her smile and laugh when she was with him. We even got to see the softer side of Owen.
BTW, when did Owen start wearing flair on his lab coat?
Then there's the kiss. Man that was a great scene. Given how over the top Barrowman can be, it was wonderfully quiet and understated. Well, until Gareth leaned in to suck his face off. I love the story about how the director didn't yell 'cut' and let them keep going for like two minutes or something. *hee*
This story had the elements of a beautiful love story, but it was also a stark reminder that for Torchwood there really aren't happy endings. I wonder if that's going to be a theme throughout this season. When folks are on the precipice of having something they want, need, deserve, it all goes to hell. If that's the case, it doesn't bode well for Jack and Ianto or Gwen and Rhys.
Also, I like that we're getting Jack being more honest and open about his past and how it impacted him. It gives me great hope for further character development.