Yay for more music surverys!!!

May 15, 2006 20:21

So here's how it works. Open your choice of music player [iTunes, Limewire, Kazaa, etc] and put it on shuffle. Press play. For every question type the song that's on. And when you go to a new question press the next button. DONT CHEAT or it won't be fun. Ready? GO!

Opening credits: "Smoke"- Ben Folds Five

Waking up: "Let's Dance"- David Bowie

Average day: "Ohio"- Neil Young

Falling in love: "Sweet Caroline"- Neil Diamond

Fight scene: "Earthquake Weather"- Beck

Getting back together: "The Return of Evil Bill"- Clinic

Secret love: "Black Star"- Radiohead

Life's okay: Under the Hedge"- Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

Mental breakdown: "Still"- the Foo Fighters

Driving: "Cactus"- the Pixies

Deep thought: "Things I Don't Remember"- Ugly Casanova

Flashback: "KC Accidental"- Broken Social Scene

Partying:"Ripcord"- Radiohead

Happy dance: "2nd Foot Stomp"- Clinic

Regretting: "Rapper's Delight"- Sugarhill Gang

Long night alone: "Flake"- Jack Johnson

Death scene: "Lord Leopard"- Caribou
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